On January 30th our outing for the week was to the Joy Cone Factory. We piled into parent cars and drove all the way across town over by the airport to get there. When we got there, we went into the conference room to wait for our tour guides. While we were waiting we got to learn about the history of Joy Cone. They make cones for companies like Dairy Queen, McDonald’s and Safeway.
The tour guide told us that the boy and girl mascots were named Joy and Joey. If you have younger brothers or sisters, they can enter a coloring contest once a month sponsored by Joy Cone. Just click on this link: Joy Cone kids page.
Once the tour guides were ready, we all split up into three groups to see the factory. When we entered the actual factory it was very loud. We got to see the ovens where the cones were cooked and the machine that folds or impresses the shape of the cone. Then we got to see where they store all of their flour. We saw huge silos that hold thousands of pounds of flour. After that we saw how they wrapped the cones and put them in boxes. On the way out we got to taste test all the types of cones. Lastly, we saw where they stored all their cones, waiting to be shipped off. After we finished the tour, we went into the kitchen and got some yummy ice cream as a treat. I personally thought this was an extremely fun trip and I can’t wait for another one like this.
Madeleine, Eighth Grade Student
image from Mojosavings.com