How Can I Prepare My Child for Attending Preschool for the First Time?


The first day of preschool is an eventful one. As a parent, you probably feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Your child may feel the same. Are they ready for this new experience? How can you help them prepare?

These tips will help your child prepare to attend Montessori preschool.

Encourage Independence

A Montessori preschool focuses on self-directed learning experiences. Because of this, young learners who have gained a bit of independence will be at an advantage. If they are ready, start small. Children can develop a sense of independence and confidence when they perform small tasks independently, such as:

  • Selecting a daily outfit
  • Putting on socks
  • Choosing which activity to do next

This resourcefulness is also helpful in an active preschool classroom where the students have better experiences if they are capable of some self-care.

Visit the Preschool and Meet the Teacher

A small child attending school for the first time may experience separation anxiety. That may be worsened if they are in an environment that is completely unfamiliar to them. Turn the first day of preschool into a positive experience for your child by introducing them to the teacher and letting them tour their new classroom before school starts.

Most preschools will host a meet and greet or will give you a tour when you enroll your child. Bring them with you. Point out things that will interest them, and introduce them to their teacher. This may help your child feel better on day one and even create some positive anticipation.

Create a Home Routine

Prepare your child for Montessori preschool by creating a home routine that will help them adjust to the school day. Try to schedule meals, indoor and outdoor playtime, snacks, and other activities at the same time each day. This will make the adjustment to school much easier.

Teach Helpfulness

Students who are very young can learn to be aware of others and feel a sense of community. This is a key focus area in Montessori preschool. 

Children learn empathy and caring through helping others and contributing. They can put toys into baskets, wipe tables, and carry small items. It’s important for children to be helpful, but it’s also important for them to be told how their efforts have a positive impact on the family.

Model Positivity and Confidence

Your child will look to you as they determine how they feel about attending school. Model behaviors and emotions you want them to have. 

If you focus on how sad you will be when they are away or how much you will miss them, that is going to evoke negative emotions. However, if you focus on how proud and excited you are for them, they will look forward to preschool.

Take these simple preparation steps to help your child have a positive experience during their first days at preschool.

The Montessori Charter School of Flagstaff educates children through small, nurturing settings, unlocking their potential and self-esteem. Reach out today to learn more.