Primary School

Future First Years Visit the Lower Pod

Future First Years Visit the Lower Pod

A group of very excited kindergartners from the Westside and Sunnyside Campuses visited the Switzer Mesa Campus last week, in order to learn more about their future classrooms. The teachers and current elementary students who welcomed the kindergartners were just as eager to meet the new members of their classroom communities.  The students played a […]

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Kindergarten Trip to Warner’s Nursery and Willow Bend

Kindergarten Trip to Warner’s Nursery and Willow Bend

The kindergartners from both classrooms at Sunnyside had the opportunity to visit Warner’s Nursery and Willow Bend Environmental Education Center! It was a beautifully sunny day, perfect for learning more about plants and nature.  We started the day at Warner’s Nursery, where we were greeted with a creative sign welcoming us! Ms. Kathy and Ms.

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Serenaded by Strings

  Our Very Own Violin Concert! Westside students in Ms. Leah and Ms. Meghan’s class were treated to a special musical demonstration on Monday afternoon. A fellow classmate performed on the violin and wowed his audience with such songs as the “Kangaroo Song” and “Lightly Row”, a folk song. He demonstrated how the violin is played with a bow

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