Building an At-Home Library for Your Kindergartner


There are so many great reasons to read aloud to your children. Reading not only offers bonding time for you and your child, but it also teaches your child new words and concepts and stimulates their imagination. In the process, they become better listeners and communicators, too. 

Building an at-home library for a child in kindergarten can be an excellent way to foster your child’s love of reading. However, with an endless number of books to choose from, you may be unsure which books would be best for your Montessori kindergartner and how carefully you should curate your collection.

Choosing books for your at-home library can seem overwhelming, but by keeping a few simple tips in mind, you can make the process fun and easy for both you and your child.

Let Them Choose

While it’s a good idea to include books that can help to educate your child and open their mind to new concepts, the most important factor to consider when building your at-home library is to ensure your collection inspires your kindergarten child to read. 

Allowing your child to choose books for themselves can be a fun experience for your child, and they may be more likely to display interest in a book that they know was chosen by their own hands.

Get Books They Can See Themselves in

A great way to engage your child in a book is to read them one that reflects their own experiences. Even if the book simply has a character with their name in it, it can be a much more exciting experience for them to hear that character’s story. 

And when that story describes an experience your child can relate to, then the interest will only be even stronger.

Get Them Books that Help Them Understand Others

Whether they’re attending a Montessori kindergarten or they’re a full-grown adult, your child will be unlikely to find many better ways to see things from the perspective of people who are different from them than through books. 

If you want to give your little one an alternate view of the world from a young age, then their at-home library is going to be a wonderful place to start.

Favor Diversity

While letting your child choose their own books is a great way to inspire a love of reading, they may miss some options that they would love and benefit from reading. This is where you can help. 

Make sure to provide them with books of all shapes and forms, whether that means classic or contemporary, educational or entertaining, poetry or prose, comic books or chapter books. Variety is key.

Nurture a Love of Reading at Montessori Kindergarten

The Montessori Charter School of Flagstaff offers an academic program that helps identify your child’s learning needs, encourages their individual social and emotional development, and nurtures a love for reading that will benefit your child for years to come. Reach out today to learn more.