2013-2014 Student Supply List – Middle School

1 Mead 5 Star Zippered Binder

Lined Paper / 3 Hole Punched

Black Pens





4 Packages 3 x 5 index cards – (ruled/un-ruled, colored/white)

12 inch Ruler with Metric and Standard Measurements

Pencil Sharpener

Small Container for Pens/Pencils/etc……

12 Colored Pencils

12 Colored Markers

1 Box Crayola Modeling Clay

3 Glue Sticks

4 Composition Notebooks

12 Notebook Tab Dividers

Sheet Protectors (optional)

Lunch Box with Ice Pack & Cloth Napkin

Reusable Water Bottle

Reusable Plate & Silverware for Friday Pizza


Please label all materials with student’s name.

Returning students do not need to repurchase supplies that they already have.